The top weight that it is allowed to carry every passenger who travel  to Cuba duty-free is 30 kg.

You can carry up to 10 kg of medicines, as well as personal objects, without payment of fees, in its original and easily recognizable packaging.

If exceeds 30 kg you will have to pay an overcharge of 10 CUC each kilo.


Money admission to Cuba is free. To leave the island: if you are superior to $ 5,000 or its equivalent in other  currency, you have to declare them at the entrance. Otherwise,when you leave Cuba, you run the risk of losing the sum of money above $5.000 dolars.

you can import new or used with the value of $ 250 items.
It was authorized the temporary use (with the obligation to re-export at the end of the holidays) of some personal appliances (hair dryer, electric razors, radios, recorders, cameras, etc). This is also true for laptops and mobile phones.  

You can not import refrigerators, electric cookers, irons and all that affect energy consumption in the country.


They can be exported from the country:

-Up to 100 CUC and 200 CUC.
-Cigars up to 50 bulk order or in boxes (for big quantities it is compulsory to get a sale receipt, as a guarantee that it was bought legally).

- Objects belonging to the cultural heritage, although it has purchased in licensed private stores (such as books, handicrafts etc). The export of such goods is dutiable. For this reason, it is always recommended to apply for and keep the receipt verifying that there is purpose of the mandatory label. Without this completely can lead to the seizure of the goods.
-It can be exported up to 4 rum bottles or other alcoholic beverages.

It is recalled that in Cuba the credit cards use is limited itself to a few  extractions and they can be used at the main cities of the country. Americans"Express" credit cards are not acceptable.
Transactions with credit cards will be surcharged 11% of  the transaction total value. For this reason, it is advisable to travel with cash, preferably Euros, or with a prepaid postpaid Visa card, where each transaction, it is surcharged a 5%.

What it is understood  by "personal objects"?

New or used articles used for personal use during your travel to Cuba, bearing in mind any imported or exported good for commercial ends.

May I import medicines?
All passengers may import up to 10 kg of medicines as long as they are in their original packaging and were not specifically forbidden or need licenses, if you are not in possession of  itself. In this case you do not pay customs duties.

How you should fill out the customs statement to enter the country?

The customs statement it should be filled up and to bring all the documents with you, in addition to personal objects, items which are subject to customs duty or in cash more than 5,000 or its equivalent in another currency.
What elements should I declare?

I must declare all items that are not part of the personal items, subject to payment of duty or expressly exempted.

-Weapons (firearms, white or otherwise) and their ammunition.
-Living creatures: animal kingdom or vegetable kingdom.
-Samples or other items for commercial purposes
-Satellite communications equipment
-Other communications equipment (walkie-talkie)
-Cash: if it exceeds five thousand (5,000.00) dollars or its equivalent in other currencies.
-Works of art and museum objects
-Any item of high value the passenger will have to re-export (which will have to bring back to the departure).

What is the top limit for items of import?

In addition to the personal items that can be imported, you can bring another objects which are subject to the customs duty respective to new or used articles that have a maximum value of $1,000 (one thousand).

What if I can import items with a value of 1000.00 USD?
Items that exceed the maximum allowable value of $ 1,000.00 are subject to seizure.

What is the amount or the rate that apply to items which are not classified as personal items?
For imported items of excess passengers to 50.00 USD ($ 50.99 to be exact) and up to a value of one thousand dollars ($ 1 000.00), will pay a progressive rate, corresponding to the import value of the following:
from $ 51.00 to $ 250.99 -> 100%
from $ 251.00 to $ 500.99 -> 150%
from $ 501.00 to $ 1,000.00 -> 200%

In what currency do we have to pay the customs duty?

For a permanent resident in Cuba, regardless nationality, it is paid in local currency (Cuban pesos).
For a permanent resident abroad, regardless nationality, it is paid in convertible currency (CUC), using the official exchange rate.
If I already paid the overweight of  luggage on the airline, why do I have to pay it again at customs?

What you must pay at the airline it is the cost of excess baggage (kg). All passengers, depending on the class they are traveling, have the right to carry a top weight provided for the airline luggage, above which there is a fee.
What you must pay in the customs office, on the other hand it is determined from the value of imported goods.

-What is the customs duty that apply to items that are being exported?

  In Cuba exports they are not taxed at all.

-How many cigars can be exported without presenting the purchase receipt?
You may export up to 50 cigars or individual boxes without having to show the purchase receipt
-How many items of the same kind can be imported?
You can, on every trip, import up to 2 items of the same type, of course, without exceeding the limit value. For example, 2 DVD, Play Station 2, 2 stereos, etc. The excess will be confiscated.

-Can I import an article that requires the authorization of the competent authorities and to manage the permission of my arrival in Cuba?
No, you can not. The permit must be obtained and handled before reaching Cuba.

 - Can the minors import items as passengers to Cuba?

In order to import items a child must be 10 years of age and be accompanied by an adult person. Children under 10 years can not import anything, they can only carry objects allowed.
-Can I bring pets?

You can bring pets to Cuba (dogs, cats, etc ..), provided they are accompanied by a health certificate issued by the competent health authorities vaccines in the country. In all cases, the license is granted at the border for Cuban medical and veterinary authorities and is determined taking into account the health certificate and vaccination presented, the state of health of the animal and country of origin.

In the case of an animal from the endangered species protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), you must also have a CITES certificate issued by the authorities of the country of origin.

-A tourist can import not classified as personal items elements?

You can import products that conform to the established for all passengers, in terms of limit value, the applicable rate, number of items and currency.
Such items can be imported duty- free customs?

Pharmaceuticals, wheelchairs for invalids, scientific, technical, art and literature, sheet music, records, tapes, films for teaching; Prosthesis: when they are needed for a replacement of an organ or a part of it. Also materials as books for blind people.

old Havana Mansion Colonial San Nicolas 21 Comments Published on 2024-04-28


Estuvimos en esta casa particular 2 noches. Excelente personas y casa muy cuidada. 5****

Giulia, Alemania
lucy Casa Cerca aeropuerto Habana 1 Comments Published on 2023-08-21

no noticias de usted

Hola… he hecho una reservación ayer por el dia 25 y no recibe nada…. Todo es correcto? Y no tiene su dirección o un correo para escribir os. Gracias

Claude Raymond, Canadá
old Havana Mansion Colonial San Nicolas 21 Comments Published on 2023-07-03

Casa familia Habana

Hola queria saber si tienen 3 cuartos disponibles desde el 15 hasta el 28 de julio. Soy amigo de Nely de Alemania. Gracias

Jan, Alemania
old Havana Mansion Colonial San Nicolas 21 Comments Published on 2023-04-10

excelente trato

Casa particular limpia y centrica , estuve con mi sposa y mi beba de 5 anos , cerca de todo , personal amable y disponible , voy a regresar sin duda

Juan, Alemania
old Havana Mansion Colonial San Nicolas 21 Comments Published on 2022-05-07


Buenas tardes , ustedes tieneis un dormitario para la fecha 14 y 15 mayo ? cuando se cobra , espero su respuesta.

Kridide, Francia
vinales casa particular gladys's house rent 1 Comments Published on 2022-09-27

casa particular top

estuve aqui en agosto , casa top

Giulio, Argentina
Liliana casa particular Soroa 1 Comments Published on 2016-10-17

Hermoso lugar , casa particular muy limpia

Yo visite el lugar y es sin lugar a duda un lugar expectacular donde sus anfitriones te hacen sentir en un ambiente familiar, el lugar esta lleno de confort y disfrutas de la natureleza al maximo, esquisitos en la limpieza. El sason de Liliana algo inigualable..rico sason cubano. Les aconsejo visiten el Hostal La Coloneal Soroa, Es un lugar para recordar y volver a visitar.

Claribel Gimenez, Estados Unidos
Casa Colonial Nilvia Santiago de Cuba 1 Comments Published on 2018-11-11

Casa excelente

Excelente casa colonial en el centro de la ciudad de Santiago de Cuba. Las habitaciones son amplias, limpias, frescas y seguras. Los desayunos y las cenas son excelentes. La recomiendo a todos los turistas.

David Maceira, República Dominicana
House in rent Santiago Caribens Tropical 1 Comments Published on 2017-01-22

Se la recomiendo a todos

La casa es bonita y centrica . recomendada

Juan Mexico
House in rent Georgina Trinidad 1 Comments Published on 2018-07-21

Recomiendo esta casa particular


francisco escribano talavera, España
bnb yamile aloja trinidad rent 1 Comments Published on 2017-01-20

Excelente Hostal

la casa se encuentra cerca del Centro de la Ciudad, pasamos dias muy lindo

Casa particular Lyosman Trinidad 1 Comments Published on 2016-11-07

magnifica casa e splendidi i proprietari

Consiglio sicuramente questa casa, in assoluto la miglore casa dove siamo stati a Cuba, i proprietari sono serissimi e le colazioni abbondanti , la consiglio

rooms for rent yuisi Punta Gorda 1 Comments Published on 2017-04-30

casa particular impia, comidas abundantes y ubicación central

La casa fue una revelación, limpia, comidas abundantes y ubicación central. recomendada

Yaima Rodriguez
Casa Particular Jose Arteaga Cienfuegos 1 Comments Published on 2016-11-07

alojamiento especial en la ciudad de Cienfuegos, Cuba

estuve muy bien en esta casa, el dueno es un medico muy amable. gracias

Andrea Mori
Casa Particular Mej Varadero 1 Comments Published on 2016-05-31

Inolvidables dias en Varadero

Varadero es segun mi experiencia personal una de las playas mas hermosas del Caribe. En mi estancia alli, estuve hospedado en este apartamento y el servicio fue explendido.

Alberto Quesada, Argentina